
 20140426_113206As a child I would patrol the hedgerows and woodland surrounding our village in search of adventure.  I remember the joy of finding Wild Asparagus dotted along the country lanes,  plucking Giant Puffballs to take home for my mum to cook and spending hours hollowing out underground dens  –  the smell of the soil is still so evocative for me today.

In my early twenties I moved to Bristol,  and met other people whose passion was hunting for wild food.  Accompanying them I soon found myself hooked on foraging; spending long hours outdoors,  only the darkness dictating when I left the woods, heading for home.
A few years later I started supplying wild food to local restaurants.  I was generating income from my foraging and it was wonderful to see food I had picked transformed,  through the skill and creativity of gifted chefs into gourmet meals.
During this time I was working as a musician;  playing with a variety of bands up and down the country.  Along side this I began practising Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung; Standing Like a Tree  –  you may want to look that one up!  This experience has given me an increased awareness of subtle changes in the environment; a vital attribute for any forager.
My journey with wild food has led me to all kinds of interesting places, as well as people.
It is hugely rewarding to teach. Through Go Foraging, I aim to share my experiences and love for foraging with others.
I hope you enjoy this site.  If you have any questions please contact me at info@goforaging.co.uk or why not come on one of my walks to find out more?

Foraging walks and courses in the Bristol and Bath area, The West Country, Wales, The New Forest and across Britain